Hexius Semiconductor’s clock generators produce one or more clock signals in a number of different output types and frequencies. Compatible with fundamental or 3OT crystals of various cuts, our clock generators provide a flexible platform for generating, copying, and distributing ultra-low phase noise output clocks for a wide range of applications and operate in an extended temperature range of -55°C to 125°C.
The CG100 Series of clock generators are a low cost, pure analog architecture that couples with a variety of crystal resonator options to produce a low-jitter signal as either a signal-ended or differential output. Available as die or in a compact 2mm x 2mm QFN package.
The CG200 Series of clock generators can produce different output frequencies from a single input frequency using PLL, harmonic generator, and divider pathways. Highly programmable through an I2C interface, these clock generators provide up to 4 outputs that can be configured to operate at different frequencies, different output types, and/or in a quadrature phase shift mode. Available as die, 3mm x 3mm or 4mm x 4mm packages.
CG Series Product Overview
CG Series Application Guide
Part Number | # of Outputs (Pairs) | Input Freq Range (MHz) | Max Output Freq (MHz) | Output Type | Internal Varicap (pF) | Frequency Synthesizer | Harmonic Generator | Control Interface |
CG111 | 1 | 5 - 200 | 200 | CMOS | 9 - 34 | No | No | External Pins |
CG121 | 1 | 5 - 200 | 1000 | LVPECL | 9 - 34 | No | No | External Pins |
CG131 | 1 | 5 - 200 | 1000 | LVDS | 9 - 34 | No | No | External Pins |
CG201 | 1 | 5 - 200 | 1000 | CMOS, LVPECL, LVDS, HSCL, CML | n/a | Integer-N | Two-Port | I2C |
CG204 | 4 | 5 - 200 | 1000 | CMOS, LVPECL, LVDS, HSCL, CML | n/a | Integer-N | Two-Port | I2C |