An Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is an IC that is designed for one specific application. Most ASICs today are thought of as only digital circuits that are designed primarily through automated synthesis and place & route tools. However, designs interacting with an analog world require an Analog or Mixed-Signal ASIC which include extensive analog circuitry and drives technological miniaturization.
Analog and Mixed-Signal ASIC Advantages
Process Technologies
Providing the lowest cost and highest density for most applications, CMOS process technology is the most common although BiCMOS, SOI and SiGe technologies are also available. Hexius Semiconductor engineers have experience with all of these and in node sizes as large 0.6um all the down to the deep submicron range of 28nm.
Hexius Semiconductor Expertise
Hexius Semiconductor specializes in Analog and Mixed-Signal ASICs design with a staff of expert analog engineers with expertise in a wide range of analog and RF functionality. Where many ASIC companies offer analog functionality only in the form of standard libraries, Hexius Semiconductor has the staff and expertise to design extensive custom analog and RF circuitry. Whether it’s system integration, a new design or second sourcing an obsolete part, Hexius Semiconductor can design and integrate precision analog, microcontrollers and various memory structures into an optimized ASIC.
Interested in developing an ASIC? Contact us for more information or to discuss what your requirements are.